Unburdened Whiskey

    Unburdened Whiskey


    A classic, this bourbon is distilled using our Certified Organic Viking Corn and Certified Organic Malted Barley. This whiskey is barreled in air-dried, then charred,  New American White Oak barrels that are handcrafted in the Adirondacks.  Our “cuts” are extremely tight. This means that only a small percentage of the distillate is actually used for our Whiskey. The result is a very small yield, but an incredibly smooth spirit right off of the still.  We sacrifice quantity for quality.  We want the best for our spirits, even right down to the labels. That’s why Terraskin was chosen – an eco friendly, fully compostable (even the adhesive), biodegradable product label that isn’t made from trees or petrochemicals. As a matter of fact, it’s made from stone! So raise your glass, and see how laid back New York can be!

    Distinctive flavors of Vanilla, Caramel, Chocolate, Cinnamon and Hazelnut with an incredibly smooth soft oak finish.

    43% ABV, 82 Proof