Building on an original classic, the strong corn flavors of this New York whiskey complements the woodsy, aromatic spice of cinnamon. This complexity brings a sweet and savory tone to...
Manhattan Moonshine is a super-premium, Prohibition-style, Northern Moonshine that has been crafted to be the world’s first luxury barely aged Whiskey. By using a unique blend of four premium New...
Maple Syrup from Adirondack Gold Maple Farm is blended with Springbrook Hollow's Howl At The Moonshine to make Howl at the Maple Moonshine. Enjoy it on the rocks, with a ...
Kings County Distillery Moonshine is a corn whiskey made from 80% New York State organic corn and 20% Scottish malted barley. It is double-distilled for cleanness and softness. 40% ABV,...
Following the traditions of our forefathers of moonshine, this corn whiskey is handcrafted with local corn and barley malt, providing a sweet strong corn flavor, with the smoothness of a...