Queens Courage is a refined interpretation of Old Tom gin, a style of gin that was very popular in the 1800’s and pre-Prohibition era. As a result, many classic cocktails call for, and can only properly be made with, Old Tom gin. Queens Courage was carefully formulated to work as a key ingredient in a wide variety of cocktails, yet we take such care in selecting our ingredients and distilling the spirit that we think Queens Courage is also smooth enough to enjoy neat or on the rocks.

    Queens Courage is a New York spirit. In addition to using New York grains, we use 100% pure New York honey to sweeten our gin, a portion of which comes from rooftops in New York City. Queens Courage also includes a malt component that gives it a luscious mouth-feel and also imparts a subtle malty sweetness. The primary citrus component in Queens Courage is grapefruit that contributes a lovely and unique citrus note, and also adds a slight bitter note that complements the honey used to make Queens Courage an Old Tom gin.

    Astoria Distilling Company (1)

    Queens Courage Old Tom Gin
